
Check out the default ESX config file.

Config = {}

-- === GENERAL ===
Config.OpenShopUICommand     = "importexport"   -- Console command to open the NUI
Config.CustomerShippingCost  = 12.99            -- What the customer will pay for the shipping
Config.JobShippingCost       = 58.99            -- What the society will pay for importing stocks
Config.TimeBetweenStockOrder = 20               -- SECONDS, Time the society need to wait before importing again stocks
Config.ImportStockWait       = 2000            -- Milliseconds, Time to wait before the plane with stocks arrive
Config.RandomItems           = {"v_res_mmug", "v_res_foodjarb", "v_res_foodjarb", "v_res_foodjarb", "v_res_fa_grater", "prop_knife", "prop_mouse_02", "v_res_tre_remote", "v_res_pcheadset", "prop_speaker_05", "prop_toilet_soap_04", "v_serv_bs_looroll", "v_res_r_cottonbuds", "prop_sponge_01", "prop_folder_02", "v_ret_gc_staple", "v_ret_gc_scissors", "prop_weight_15k", "prop_weight_5k", "prop_cap_01b", "prop_poolball_12", "prop_buck_spade_06", "prop_boxing_glove_01", "prop_beach_lotion_03", "prop_mask_scuba01"}
-- To change how much money the items cost for the society change line 819 of complete_importexport/html/store.js

-- === SHOP ===
-- All the images need to be in the folder: complete_importexport/html/Images/
Config.ShopItems = {
	{name = 'Bandage', price = 169.89, img="Images/bandage.png", description = "Add a customized description for each item in the Config file. This is a Bandage!", category = "Usable items", item = "bandage"},
    {name = 'Bread', price = 20.69, img="Images/bread.png", description = "Add a customized description for each item in the Config file. This is a Bread!", category = "Food", item = "bread"},
    {name = 'Repair kit', price = 398.99, img="Images/advancedrepairkit.png", description = "Add a customized description for each item in the Config file. This is a Repair kit!", category = "Usable items", item = "fixkit"},
    {name = 'Wood', price = 26.89, img="Images/wood.png", description = "Add a customized description for each item in the Config file. This is Wood!", category = "Other items", item = "wood"},
    {name = 'Iron', price = 136.47, img="Images/iron.png", description = "Add a customized description for each item in the Config file. This is Iron!", category = "Metals", item = "iron"},
    {name = 'Gold', price = 689.67, img="Images/goldbar.png", description = "Add a customized description for each item in the Config file. This is Gold!", category = "Metals", item = "gold"},
    {name = 'Water', price = 16.89, img="Images/water.png", description = "Add a customized description for each item in the Config file. This is Water!", category = "Food", item = "water"},
    {name = 'Wool', price = 14.78, img="Images/wool.png", description = "Add a customized description for each item in the Config file. This is Wool!", category = "Other items", item = "wool"},
    {name = 'Copper', price = 87.89, img="Images/copper.png", description = "Add a customized description for each item in the Config file. This is Copper!", category = "Metals", item = "copper"},
    {name = 'Cloth', price = 47.89, img="Images/no-photo.png", description = "Add a customized description for each item in the Config file. This is Cloth!", category = "Other items", item = "cloth"},
    {name = 'Animal bait', price = 82.15, img="Images/animal_bait.png", description = "Add a customized description for each item in the Config file. This is an Animal bait!", category = "Usable items", item = "animal_bait"},
    {name = 'Medikit', price = 279.89, img="Images/medkit.png", description = "Add a customized description for each item in the Config file. This is a Medikit!", category = "Usable items", item = "medikit"}
Config.ItemsCategory = {"Food", "Metals", "Usable items", "Other items"}

-- === LOCATIONS ===
Config.JobFirstStep = vector3(58.55, -2676.73, 6.01)        -- 1 step: Take empty cardbox location
Config.JobSecondStep = vector3(52.55, -2682.14, 6.01)      -- 2 step: Place the cardbox location (will spawn a box on Config.BoxOnTable)
Config.BoxOnTable = vector3(51.47, -2682.11, 6.01)
Config.JobThirdStep = vector3(45.23, -2712.7, 6.01)       -- 3 step: Take the items to put in the box location (you need to bring them to 2 step)

Config.SpawnPalletMarker = vector3(-1250.95, -2518.53, 13.95) -- Marker, when pressed E it will spaw the pallet
Config.SpawnPalletPoint = vector3(-1247.36, -2512.41, 13.95) -- When pressed E on SpawnPalletMarker, the pallet will spawn at this coords
Config.PalletDeliveryPoint = vector3(28.51, -2691.76, 6.01) -- Once you get the pallet from the plane you will need to bring this to this location
Config.StockDeliveryPoint = vector3(45.09, -2708.7, 6.01) -- When the pallet is on his location, you need to bring the packages of the pallet to this location

Config.BossMenu = vector3(28.21, -2670.49, 12.05)              -- Boss menu location
Config.JobInventoryMenu = vector3(46.78, -2673.01, 6.0)       -- Job inventory (put / get items) menu location
Config.JobVehicleMenu = vector3(62.09, -2665.38, 6.0)       -- Job vehicle menu location
Config.JobVehicleSpawnPoint = vector3(57.51, -2657.08, 6.0) -- Location where vehicle will spawn
Config.JobSpawnPointHeading = 359.28
Config.JobReturnVehicle = vector3(68.6, -2670.15, 6.0)     -- Location to return the vehicle

Config.PickUpInStoreLocations = {
    {name = 'Mount Chiliad PickUp', coords = vector3(1737.97, 6414.66, 35.0)},
    {name = 'Sandy Shores PickUp', coords = vector3(1966.08, 3747.97, 32.34)},
    {name = 'Banham Canyon PickUp', coords = vector3(-3045.5, 592.13, 7.91)},
    {name = 'Vespucci Canals PickUp', coords = vector3(-1226.73, -906.22, 12.33)},
    {name = 'Davis Avenue PickUp', coords = vector3(-49.43, -1750.73, 29.42)}

-- === BLIPS ===
Config.Blips = {
    {coords = vector3(58.55, -2676.73, 6.01), name = "Importexport", sprite = 478, colour = 32}

Config.JobBlips = {
    {coords = vector3(62.09, -2665.38, 6.0), name = "Importexport vehicle", sprite = 478, colour = 32}

Config.BlipsForInStoreLocations = true      -- If true, this will add blip also for all the Config.PickUpInStoreLocations

-- === TEXT ===
Config.Text = {
    -- === 3D TEXT ===
    ['empty_cardbox'] = 'Press [~g~E~w~] to take an empty cardbox',
    ['put_box_down'] = 'Press [~g~E~w~] to put the dox down',
    ['take_item'] = 'Press [~g~E~w~] to take the item',
    ['insert_item'] = 'Press [~g~E~w~] to insert the item into the box',
    ['make_package'] = 'Press [~g~E~w~] to make the package',
    ['take_package'] = 'Press [~g~E~w~] to take the package',
    ['place_package'] = 'Press [~g~E~w~] to place the package',
    ['store_package'] = 'Press [~g~E~w~] to store the package',
    ['open_package'] = 'Press [~g~E~w~] to open the package',
    ['get_pallet'] = 'Press [~g~E~w~] to get the pallet',
    ['put_pallet_down'] = 'Press [~g~E~w~] to put the pallet down',
    ['boss_menu'] = 'Press [~g~E~w~] to open boss menu',
    ['vehicle_menu'] = 'Press [~g~E~w~] to get a vehicle',
    ['inventory_menu'] = 'Press [~g~E~w~] to access society inventory',
    ['return_vehicle'] = 'Press [~g~E~w~] to return vehicle',
    ['wihdraw_orders'] = 'Press [~g~E~w~] to withdraw in store orders',
    -- === MYTHIC NOTIFY ===
    ['successfully_purchased'] = 'Successfully purchased',
    ['no_money'] = "You don't have enough money",
    ['someone_packing'] = 'Someone is already packing an order',
    ['success_plane'] = 'Succesfuly purchased! A plane will arrive soon',
    ['society_no_money'] = "The society doesn't have enough money!",
    ['wait_order'] = 'You need to wait before make another order',
    ['not_a_worker'] = "You aren't a worker of this society!"

function DisplayTextMessage(msg, type)
    exports["mythic_notify"]:DoHudText(type, msg, 3000)

function DisplayProgress(time, text)
    exports['progressBars']:startUI(time, text)

Last updated

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