Check out the default ESX and QBCore config file.
Config = {}
-- === VERSION 2.4.0 ===
Config.Debug = false
Config.EnableFootprints = true
Config.PNearAnimalToEscape = 20 -- if the distance between a player and the animal is less than this value, it will run away (not for native animals)
Config.CarryAnimals = true
Config.CarryAnimalsKey = "G"
Config.WeaponsOnlyHunting = false -- if TRUE when you get out of a hunting zone you won't be able to use the weapons
-- only if Config.HuntAllMap FALSE
Config.UseTarget = false
Config.HeadshotForPerfect = true -- In order to receve the perfect item, you will need to get perfect in Config.WeaponDamages and also kill the animal with an headshot
Config.TimeToHarvest = 15000 -- number of milliseconds to complete harvesting
Config.CameraMovement = true -- if true camera animation when harvesting animals
Config.MinLeather = 1 -- the minimum number of leather you can drop
Config.MaxLeather = 1 -- the maximum number of leather you can drop
Config.CanDropMeat = true -- false if you don't want that animals can drop meat
Config.MeatOfAnimals = false -- if true the meat will be different for each animal (see Config.Animals) and not Config.MeatItem, if false it will be Config.MeatItem and the same for all animals
Config.MeatItem = "meat" -- item name for meat
Config.MeatCost = 20 -- price for Config.MeatItem
Config.MinMeat = 2 -- the minimum number of meat you can drop
Config.MaxMeat = 3 -- the maximum number of meat you can drop
Config.CanDropSpecial = true -- false if you don't want that animals can drop special items (see Config.Animals)
Config.SpecialProb = 96 -- probability, example: the script generates a random number from 1 to 100, if the random number is higher (>) than this one it will drop (so 10% probability)
-- [BAIT]:
Config.EnableBait = true
Config.BlipOnBaitAnimal = true
Config.BaitPlacingTime = 15000 -- milliseconds
Config.BaitItemName = "animal_bait"
Config.BaitAnimals = {"a_c_deer", "a_c_boar", "a_c_mtlion", "a_c_coyote"} -- animal that can spawn when placing a bait (need to be also in Config.Animals)
Config.TimeForAnimalToLeave = 10000 -- animal once reached bait will wait this time before walking away milliseconds
Config.BaitSpawnRadious = 200 -- when you place a bait, the animal will spawn in this radious (I raccomend 200)
Config.TimeBetween = 120 -- IN SECONDS, time you need to wait before placing another bait
-- MODEL: the model of animal you want to spawn / hunt
-- BAD/GOOD/PERFECT: the item dropped when harvesting that animal
-- DIMENSION: size of the animal, you need this with Config.WeaponDamages
-- MEAT: the meat dropped when harvesting that animal
Config.Animals = {
{dimension = "big", meat = "deer_meat", meatCost = 100, model = "a_c_deer", bad = "leather_deer_bad", badCost = 100, good = "leather_deer_good", goodCost = 420, perfect = "leather_deer_perfect", perfectCost = 890, hash = -664053099, specialItem = "deer_horn", specialItemCost = 630, isIllegal = false},
{dimension = "medBig", meat = "boar_meat", meatCost = 100, model = "a_c_boar", bad = "leather_boar_bad", badCost = 100, good = "leather_boar_good", goodCost = 420, perfect = "leather_boar_perfect", perfectCost = 890, hash = -832573324, specialItem = "", specialItemCost = 0, isIllegal = false},
{dimension = "medBig", meat = "mtlion_meat", meatCost = 100, model = "a_c_mtlion", bad = "leather_mlion_bad", badCost = 100, good = "leather_mlion_good", goodCost = 420, perfect = "leather_mlion_perfect", perfectCost = 890, hash = 307287994, specialItem = "", specialItemCost = 0, isIllegal = true, illegalBadCost = 50, illegalGoodCost = 190, illegalPerfectCost = 430},
{dimension = "medium", meat = "coyote_meat", meatCost = 100, model = "a_c_coyote", bad = "leather_coyote_bad", badCost = 100, good = "leather_coyote_good", goodCost = 420, perfect = "leather_coyote_perfect", perfectCost = 890, hash = 1682622302, specialItem = "", specialItemCost = 0, isIllegal = true, illegalBadCost = 50, illegalGoodCost = 190, illegalPerfectCost = 430},
{dimension = "small", meat = "rabbit_meat", meatCost = 100, model = "a_c_rabbit_01", bad = "leather_rabbit_bad", badCost = 100, good = "leather_rabbit_good", goodCost = 420, perfect = "leather_rabbit_perfect", perfectCost = 890, hash = -541762431, specialItem = "", specialItemCost = 0, isIllegal = false},
{dimension = "medium", meat = "cormorant_meat", meatCost = 100, model = "a_c_cormorant", bad = "leather_cormorant_bad", badCost = 100, good = "leather_cormorant_good", goodCost = 420, perfect = "leather_cormorant_perfect", perfectCost = 890, hash = 1457690978, specialItem = "", specialItemCost = 0, isIllegal = true, illegalBadCost = 50, illegalGoodCost = 190, illegalPerfectCost = 430},
{dimension = "small", meat = "chickenhawk_meat", meatCost = 100, model = "a_c_chickenhawk", bad = "leather_chickenhawk_bad", badCost = 100, good = "leather_chickenhawk_good", goodCost = 420, perfect = "leather_chickenhawk_perfect", perfectCost = 890, hash = -1430839454, specialItem = "", specialItemCost = 0, isIllegal = true, illegalBadCost = 50, illegalGoodCost = 190, illegalPerfectCost = 430}
} -- IMPORTANT: dimension name must be one of these "small" / "medium" / "medBig" / "big"
-- IMPORTANT: you don't have to change hash numbers
-- IMPORTANT: you need to have bad / good / perfect items in your items database
-- IMPORTANT: if Config.MeatOfAnimals is true you need to have the meat item in your items database
Config.WeaponDamages = {
-- According to the type of weapon (category) used to kill the animal, it will drop a certain type of skin based on his size (Config.Animals dimension)
-- EXAMPLE: if i kill with a sniper a big animal in this case it will give me perfect item
{category = "unarmed", small = "bad", medium = "bad", medBig = "bad", big = "bad"},
{category = "melee", small = "bad", medium = "bad", medBig = "bad", big = "bad"},
{category = "pistol", small = "good", medium = "good", medBig = "bad", big = "bad"},
{category = "subgun", small = "bad", medium = "bad", medBig = "good", big = "bad"},
{category = "shootgun", small = "bad", medium = "bad", medBig = "good", big = "bad"},
{category = "rifle", small = "bad", medium = "bad", medBig = "bad", big = "bad"},
{category = "snip", small = "bad", medium = "good", medBig = "perfect", big = "perfect"}
} -- IMPORTANT: you don't have to change category names
Config.NativeAnimal = true -- false if you want to spawn your animals (modify AnimalModels) and not use native ones
Config.SpawnAnimalNumber = 10 -- number of animal to spawn if you aren't using native animals
Config.KnifesForHarvest = {'WEAPON_KNIFE', 'WEAPON_SWITCHBLADE', 'WEAPON_DAGGER'} -- you can harvest an animal only with these knifes
-- #####################################################################################################################################################################################################################################
-- Before opening a ticket on the server, if the animals don't spawn check this:
-- #####################################################################################################################################################################################################################################
Config.huntAllMap = true -- true if you want to enable hunting in all the map
-- if not using native animals set it to FALSE (if you are using native animals you can still set it to FALSE)
Config.huntPoint = {
{id = 0, x = -1133.44, y = 4605.55, z = 144.96},
{id = 1, x = 1996.02, y = 4982.71, z = 40.63}
} -- if Config.huntAllMap false you have to decide a point in the map and the radious where you can hunt
-- !! do not insert the same id twice !!
Config.huntRadious = 300
Config.EnableCampfire = true
Config.UseNativeCampfire = false
Config.CampfireTimeBetween = 25 -- IN SECONDS, time you need to wait before cooking again meat (cooking time + time to wait)
Config.CampfireCommand = "campfire" -- don't put the slash before
Config.CampfireProp = "prop_beach_fire" -- name for the prop to spawn
Config.CampfireNameItem1 = "coal" -- name for item1 in crafting
Config.CampfireCountItem1 = 2 -- number of pieces you need for item1
Config.CampfireNameItem2 = "wood" -- name for item2 in crafting
Config.CampfireCountItem2 = 4 -- number of pieces you need for item2
Config.CampPlacingTime = 15000 -- milliseconds
Config.KeyCampfireMenu = "E" -- ["E"]
Config.CookingTime = 20000 -- milliseconds
Config.CookedMeatName = "cookedMeat"
Config.KeyDestroyCampfire = "G" -- ["G"]
Config.noCampfireZoneRadious = 1000
Config.noCampfireZone = {
{x = -259.24, y = -1900.51, z = 27.76}
} --you can add multiple of them (remember ",")
Config.MoneyType = 'money' -- money / bank
Config.illegalNpcModel = "a_m_m_og_boss_01"
Config.legalNpcModel = "s_m_m_ammucountry"
-- see also Config.Animals for prices
-- [BLIPS]:
Config.BlipOnEntity = true -- if not using native animals
Config.Blips = {
{coords = vector3(1190.43, -3226.84, 4.55), name = "Hunting selling zone", sprite = 442, colour = 27},
{coords = vector3(-1133.44, 4605.55, 144.96), name = "Hunting", sprite = 161, colour = 27},
{coords = vector3(-1133.44, 4605.55, 144.96), name = "Hunting Zone", sprite = 442, colour = 27}
Config.BlipAnimalName = "Animal"
Config.BlipBaitAnimalName = "Bait animal"
Config.Locations = {
SellZone = { x = 1190.43, y = -3226.84, z = 5.0, h = 100.0 },
IllegalNPC = { x = 1996.02, y = 4982.71, z = 40.63, h = 219.41}
Config.Text = {
['before_harvest'] = 'Press [~g~E~w~] to harvest, [~g~G~w~] to carry',
['harvesting'] = 'Harvesting animal...',
['need_knife'] = 'You need a knife to harvest',
['receved_leather'] = 'You receaved leather',
['ruined_leather'] = 'The leather is too ruined',
['receved_meat'] = 'You receaved meat',
['special_item'] = 'You recived a special item',
['campfire'] = 'Press [~g~E~w~] to cook, [~g~G~w~] to remove',
['campfire2'] = 'Press [~g~E~w~] to cook',
['cooking'] = 'Cooking meat',
['placing_campfire'] = 'Placing campfire...',
['cant_place_camp'] = "You can't place your campfire here",
['cant_place_bait'] = "You can't place your bait here",
['placing_bait'] = 'Placing bait...',
['between_bait'] = 'You need to wait before use it again',
['no_effects_bait'] = 'Your bait had any effects',
['sell_items'] = 'Press [~g~E~w~] to sell',
['sold'] = 'Successfully sold',
['no_material'] = "You don't have enough material",
['you_didnt_kill_it'] = "You didn't kill the animal",
['already_harvesting'] = "You are already harvesting"
Config.FontType = 4
-- === DISPLAY TEXT ===
-- === Only change if you know what you're doing! ===
AddEventHandler('complete_hunting:notify', function(msg, msgType)
if not msgType then
ESX.ShowNotification(msg, "info", 3000)
ESX.ShowNotification(msg, msgType, 3000)
Config.Progressbar = function(cb, text, time, anim_type, anim_dict, anim_lib)
if anim_type ~= nil then
local ped = PlayerPedId()
if anim_type == "anim" then
while not HasAnimDictLoaded(anim_dict) do
TaskPlayAnim(ped, anim_dict, anim_lib, -1, -1, -1, 1)
elseif anim_type == "Scenario" then
TaskStartScenarioInPlace(ped, anim_dict, 0, true)
ESX.Progressbar(text, time,{
FreezePlayer = true,
onFinish = function()
-- OX
if lib.progressBar({
duration = time,
label = text,
useWhileDead = false,
canCancel = false,
disable = {
move = true,
car = true,
combat = true,
}) then cb("ok") else cb("error") end
function InitializeTarget()
local targetModels = {}
for _,v in ipairs(Config.Animals) do
table.insert(targetModels, v.model)
exports.ox_target:addModel(targetModels, {
name = 'ox:option1',
event = "complete_hunting:harvestAnimal",
icon = "fa-solid fa-cut",
label = "Harvest",
canInteract = function(entity, distance, coords, name, bone)
if IsEntityDead(entity) then
return true
return false
name = 'ox:option2',
event = "complete_hunting:carryAnimal",
icon = "fa-solid fa-people-carry",
label = "Carry",
canInteract = function(entity, distance, coords, name, bone)
if IsEntityDead(entity) then
return true
return false
local campProp = {
if Config.EnableCampfire then
exports.ox_target:addModel(campProp, {
name = 'ox:option1',
event = "complete_hunting:cookMenu",
icon = "fa-solid fa-hamburger",
label = "Cook meat",
local illegalSeller = {
exports.ox_target:addModel(illegalSeller, {
name = 'ox:option1',
event = "complete_hunting:btTargetIllegalSell",
icon = "fa-solid fa-store",
label = "Sell",
local legalSeller = {
exports.ox_target:addModel(legalSeller, {
name = 'ox:option1',
event = "complete_hunting:btTargetLegalSell",
icon = "fa-solid fa-store",
label = "Sell",
-- === VERSION 2.4.0 ===
local QBCore = exports['qb-core']:GetCoreObject()
Config = {}
Config.Debug = false
Add this in qb-cityhall config.lua to add the hunting license
["hunting_license"] = {
label = "Hunting License",
cost = 50,
metadata = "hunting"
['huntinglicense'] = {['name'] = 'huntinglicense', ['label'] = 'Hunting License', ['weight'] = 0, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'hunting_license.png', ['unique'] = true, ['useable'] = true, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = 'Hunting License'},
["leather_deer_bad"] = {['name'] = 'leather_deer_bad', ['label'] = 'Bad deer leather', ['weight'] = 1000, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'leather_deer_bad.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = false, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = '...'},
["leather_deer_good"] = {['name'] = 'leather_deer_good', ['label'] = 'Good deer leather', ['weight'] = 1000, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'leather_deer_good.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = false, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = '...'},
["leather_deer_perfect"] = {['name'] = 'leather_deer_perfect', ['label'] = 'Perfect deer leather', ['weight'] = 1000, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'leather_deer_perfect.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = false, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = '...'},
["leather_boar_bad"] = {['name'] = 'leather_boar_bad', ['label'] = 'Bad boar leather', ['weight'] = 1000, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'leather_boar_bad.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = false, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = '...'},
["leather_boar_good"] = {['name'] = 'leather_boar_good', ['label'] = 'Good boar leather', ['weight'] = 1000, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'leather_boar_good.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = false, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = '...'},
["leather_boar_perfect"] = {['name'] = 'leather_boar_perfect', ['label'] = 'Perfect boar leather', ['weight'] = 1000, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'leather_boar_perfect.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = false, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = '...'},
["leather_mlion_bad"] = {['name'] = 'leather_mlion_bad', ['label'] = 'Bad mountain lion leather', ['weight'] = 1000, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'leather_mlion_bad.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = false, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = '...'},
["leather_mlion_good"] = {['name'] = 'leather_mlion_good', ['label'] = 'Good mountain lion leather', ['weight'] = 1000, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'leather_mlion_good.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = false, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = '...'},
["leather_mlion_perfect"] = {['name'] = 'leather_mlion_perfect', ['label'] = 'Perfect mountain lion leather', ['weight'] = 1000, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'leather_mlion_perfect.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = false, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = '...'},
["leather_coyote_bad"] = {['name'] = 'leather_coyote_bad', ['label'] = 'Bad coyote leather', ['weight'] = 1000, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'leather_coyote_bad.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = false, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = '...'},
["leather_coyote_good"] = {['name'] = 'leather_coyote_good', ['label'] = 'Good coyote leather', ['weight'] = 1000, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'leather_coyote_good.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = false, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = '...'},
["leather_coyote_perfect"] = {['name'] = 'leather_coyote_perfect', ['label'] = 'Perfect coyote leather', ['weight'] = 1000, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'leather_coyote_perfect.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = false, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = '...'},
["leather_rabbit_bad"] = {['name'] = 'leather_rabbit_bad', ['label'] = 'Bad rabbit leather', ['weight'] = 1000, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'leather_rabbit_bad.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = false, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = '...'},
["leather_rabbit_good"] = {['name'] = 'leather_rabbit_good', ['label'] = 'Good rabbit leather', ['weight'] = 1000, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'leather_rabbit_good.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = false, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = '...'},
["leather_rabbit_perfect"] = {['name'] = 'leather_rabbit_perfect', ['label'] = 'Perfect rabbit leather', ['weight'] = 1000, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'leather_rabbit_perfect.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = false, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = '...'},
["leather_cormorant_bad"] = {['name'] = 'leather_cormorant_bad', ['label'] = 'Bad cormorant leather', ['weight'] = 1000, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'leather_cormorant_bad.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = false, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = '...'},
["leather_cormorant_good"] = {['name'] = 'leather_cormorant_good', ['label'] = 'Good cormorant leather', ['weight'] = 1000, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'leather_cormorant_good.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = false, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = '...'},
["leather_cormorant_perfect"] = {['name'] = 'leather_cormorant_perfect', ['label'] = 'Perfect cormorant leather', ['weight'] = 1000, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'leather_cormorant_perfect.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = false, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = '...'},
["leather_chickenhawk_bad"] = {['name'] = 'leather_chickenhawk_bad', ['label'] = 'Bad chickenhawl leather', ['weight'] = 1000, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'leather_chickenhawk_bad.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = false, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = '...'},
["leather_chickenhawk_good"] = {['name'] = 'leather_chickenhawk_good', ['label'] = 'Good chickenhawk leather', ['weight'] = 1000, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'leather_chickenhawk_good.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = false, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = '...'},
["leather_chickenhawk_perfect"] = {['name'] = 'leather_chickenhawk_perfect', ['label'] = 'Perfect chickenhawk leather', ['weight'] = 1000, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'leather_chickenhawk_perfect.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = false, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = '...'},
["deer_horn"] = {['name'] = 'deer_horn', ['label'] = 'Deer Horn', ['weight'] = 1000, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'deer_horn.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = false, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = '...'},
["animal_bait"] = {['name'] = 'animal_bait', ['label'] = 'Animal bait', ['weight'] = 1000, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'animal_bait.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = false, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = '...'},
["cookedMeat"] = {['name'] = 'cookedMeat', ['label'] = 'Cooked Meat', ['weight'] = 1000, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'cookedMeat.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = false, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = '...'},
["meat"] = {['name'] = 'meat', ['label'] = 'Fresh meat', ['weight'] = 1000, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'meat.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = false, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = '...'}
you can add other meat items for each animals if you want them
["coal"] = {['name'] = 'coal', ['label'] = 'Coal', ['weight'] = 1000, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'coal.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = false, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = '...'}
["wood"] = {['name'] = 'wood', ['label'] = 'Wood', ['weight'] = 1000, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'wood.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = false, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = '...'}
Config.EnableFootprints = true
Config.PNearAnimalToEscape = 20 -- if the distance between a player and the animal is less than this value, it will run away (not for native animals)
Config.CarryAnimals = true
Config.CarryAnimalsKey = "G"
Config.WeaponsOnlyHunting = false -- if TRUE when you get out of a hunting zone you won't be able to use the weapons
-- only if Config.HuntAllMap FALSE
Config.UseQbTarget = true
Config.HeadshotForPerfect = true -- In order to receve the perfect item, you will need to get perfect in Config.WeaponDamages and also kill the animal with an headshot
Config.TimeToHarvest = 15000 -- number of milliseconds to complete harvesting
Config.CameraMovement = true -- if true camera animation when harvesting animals
Config.MinLeather = 1 -- the minimum number of leather you can drop
Config.MaxLeather = 1 -- the maximum number of leather you can drop
Config.CanDropMeat = true -- false if you don't want that animals can drop meat
Config.MeatOfAnimals = false -- if true the meat will be different for each animal (see Config.Animals) and not Config.MeatItem, if false it will be Config.MeatItem and the same for all animals
Config.MeatItem = "meat" -- item name for meat
Config.MeatCost = 20 -- price for Config.MeatItem
Config.MinMeat = 2 -- the minimum number of leather you can drop
Config.MaxMeat = 3 -- the maximum number of leather you can drop
Config.CanDropSpecial = true -- false if you don't want that animals can drop special items (see Config.Animals)
Config.SpecialProb = 96 -- probability, example: the script generates a random number from 1 to 100, if the random number is higher (>) than this one it will drop (so 10% probability)
-- [BAIT]:
Config.EnableBait = true
Config.BlipOnBaitAnimal = true
Config.BaitPlacingTime = 15000 -- milliseconds
Config.BaitItemName = "animal_bait"
Config.BaitAnimals = {"a_c_deer", "a_c_boar", "a_c_mtlion", "a_c_coyote"} -- animal that can spawn when placing a bait (need to be also in Config.Animals)
Config.TimeForAnimalToLeave = 10000 -- animal once reached bait will wait this time before walking away milliseconds
Config.BaitSpawnRadious = 200 -- when you place a bait, the animal will spawn in this radious (I raccomend 200)
Config.TimeBetween = 120 -- IN SECONDS, time you need to wait before placing another bait
-- MODEL: the model of animal you want to spawn / hunt
-- BAD/GOOD/PERFECT: the item dropped when harvesting that animal
-- DIMENSION: size of the animal, you need this with Config.WeaponDamages
-- MEAT: the meat dropped when harvesting that animal
Config.Animals = {
{dimension = "big", meat = "deer_meat", meatCost = 100, model = "a_c_deer", bad = "leather_deer_bad", badCost = 100, good = "leather_deer_good", goodCost = 420, perfect = "leather_deer_perfect", perfectCost = 890, hash = -664053099, specialItem = "deer_horn", specialItemCost = 630, isIllegal = false},
{dimension = "medBig", meat = "boar_meat", meatCost = 100, model = "a_c_boar", bad = "leather_boar_bad", badCost = 100, good = "leather_boar_good", goodCost = 420, perfect = "leather_boar_perfect", perfectCost = 890, hash = -832573324, specialItem = "", specialItemCost = 0, isIllegal = false},
{dimension = "medBig", meat = "mtlion_meat", meatCost = 100, model = "a_c_mtlion", bad = "leather_mlion_bad", badCost = 100, good = "leather_mlion_good", goodCost = 420, perfect = "leather_mlion_perfect", perfectCost = 890, hash = 307287994, specialItem = "", specialItemCost = 0, isIllegal = true, illegalBadCost = 50, illegalGoodCost = 190, illegalPerfectCost = 430},
{dimension = "medium", meat = "coyote_meat", meatCost = 100, model = "a_c_coyote", bad = "leather_coyote_bad", badCost = 100, good = "leather_coyote_good", goodCost = 420, perfect = "leather_coyote_perfect", perfectCost = 890, hash = 1682622302, specialItem = "", specialItemCost = 0, isIllegal = true, illegalBadCost = 50, illegalGoodCost = 190, illegalPerfectCost = 430},
{dimension = "small", meat = "rabbit_meat", meatCost = 100, model = "a_c_rabbit_01", bad = "leather_rabbit_bad", badCost = 100, good = "leather_rabbit_good", goodCost = 420, perfect = "leather_rabbit_perfect", perfectCost = 890, hash = -541762431, specialItem = "", specialItemCost = 0, isIllegal = false},
{dimension = "medium", meat = "cormorant_meat", meatCost = 100, model = "a_c_cormorant", bad = "leather_cormorant_bad", badCost = 100, good = "leather_cormorant_good", goodCost = 420, perfect = "leather_cormorant_perfect", perfectCost = 890, hash = 1457690978, specialItem = "", specialItemCost = 0, isIllegal = true, illegalBadCost = 50, illegalGoodCost = 190, illegalPerfectCost = 430},
{dimension = "small", meat = "chickenhawk_meat", meatCost = 100, model = "a_c_chickenhawk", bad = "leather_chickenhawk_bad", badCost = 100, good = "leather_chickenhawk_good", goodCost = 420, perfect = "leather_chickenhawk_perfect", perfectCost = 890, hash = -1430839454, specialItem = "", specialItemCost = 0, isIllegal = true, illegalBadCost = 50, illegalGoodCost = 190, illegalPerfectCost = 430}
} -- IMPORTANT: dimension name must be one of these "small" / "medium" / "medBig" / "big"
-- IMPORTANT: you don't have to change hash numbers
-- IMPORTANT: you need to have bad / good / perfect items in your items database
-- IMPORTANT: if Config.MeatOfAnimals is true you need to have the meat item in your items database
Config.WeaponDamages = {
-- According to the type of weapon (category) used to kill the animal, it will drop a certain type of skin based on his size (Config.Animals dimension)
-- EXAMPLE: if i kill with a sniper a big animal in this case it will give me perfect item
{category = "unarmed", small = "bad", medium = "bad", medBig = "bad", big = "bad"},
{category = "melee", small = "bad", medium = "bad", medBig = "bad", big = "bad"},
{category = "pistol", small = "good", medium = "good", medBig = "bad", big = "bad"},
{category = "subgun", small = "bad", medium = "bad", medBig = "good", big = "bad"},
{category = "shootgun", small = "bad", medium = "bad", medBig = "good", big = "bad"},
{category = "rifle", small = "bad", medium = "bad", medBig = "bad", big = "bad"},
{category = "snip", small = "bad", medium = "good", medBig = "perfect", big = "perfect"}
} -- IMPORTANT: you don't have to change category names
Config.NativeAnimal = false -- false if you want to spawn your animals (modify AnimalModels) and not use native ones
Config.SpawnAnimalNumber = 10 -- number of animal to spawn if you aren't using native animals
Config.KnifesForHarvest = {'WEAPON_KNIFE', 'WEAPON_SWITCHBLADE', 'WEAPON_DAGGER'} -- you can harvest an animal only with these knifes
-- #####################################################################################################################################################################################################################################
-- Before opening a ticket on the server, if the animals don't spawn check this:
-- #####################################################################################################################################################################################################################################
Config.huntAllMap = false -- TRUE if you want to enable hunting in all the map
-- if not using native animals set it to FALSE (if you are using native animals you can still set it to FALSE)
Config.huntPoint = {
{id = 0, x = -1133.44, y = 4605.55, z = 144.96},
{id = 1, x = 1996.02, y = 4982.71, z = 40.63}
} -- if Config.huntAllMap false you have to decide a point in the map and the radious where you can hunt
-- !! do not insert the same id twice !!
Config.huntRadious = 300
Config.EnableCampfire = true
Config.UseNativeCampfire = false
Config.CampfireTimeBetween = 25 -- IN SECONDS, time you need to wait before cooking again meat (cooking time + time to wait)
Config.CampfireCommand = "campfire" -- don't put the slash before
Config.CampfireProp = "prop_beach_fire" -- name for the prop to spawn
Config.CampfireNameItem1 = "coal" -- name for item1 in crafting
Config.CampfireCountItem1 = 2 -- number of pieces you need for item1
Config.CampfireNameItem2 = "wood" -- name for item2 in crafting
Config.CampfireCountItem2 = 4 -- number of pieces you need for item2
Config.CampPlacingTime = 15000 -- milliseconds
Config.KeyCampfireMenu = "E" -- ["E"]
Config.CookingTime = 20000 -- milliseconds
Config.CookedMeatName = "cookedMeat"
Config.KeyDestroyCampfire = "G" -- ["G"]
Config.noCampfireZoneRadious = 1000
Config.noCampfireZone = {
{x = -259.24, y = -1900.51, z = 27.76}
} --you can add multiple of them (remember ",")
Config.MoneyType = 'cash' -- legal items: "cash" or "bank" (see Qb-core config file)
Config.BlackMoneyName = "markedbills" -- illegal items: see Qb-core config file
Config.BlackMoneyItem = false -- illegal items: see Qb-core config file
Config.illegalNpcModel = "a_m_m_og_boss_01"
Config.legalNpcModel = "s_m_m_ammucountry"
-- see also Config.Animals for prices
-- [BLIPS]:
Config.BlipOnEntity = true -- if not using native animals
Config.Blips = {
{coords = vector3(1208.43, -3228.84, 4.55), name = "Hunting selling zone", sprite = 442, colour = 27},
{coords = vector3(-1133.44, 4605.55, 144.96), name = "Hunting Zone Radius", sprite = 161, colour = 27},
{coords = vector3(-1133.44, 4605.55, 144.96), name = "Hunting Zone", sprite = 442, colour = 27}
Config.BlipAnimalName = "Animal"
Config.BlipBaitAnimalName = "Bait animal"
Config.Locations = {
SellZone = { x = 1208.35, y = -3228.84, z = 5.0 },
IllegalNPC = { x = 1996.02, y = 4982.71, z = 40.63, h = 219.41}
Config.Text = {
['before_harvest'] = 'Press [~g~E~w~] to harvest, [~g~G~w~] to carry',
['harvesting'] = 'Harvesting animal...',
['need_knife'] = 'You need a knife to harvest',
['receved_leather'] = 'You receaved leather',
['ruined_leather'] = 'The leather is too ruined',
['receved_meat'] = 'You receaved meat',
['special_item'] = 'You recived a special item',
['campfire'] = 'Press [~g~E~w~] to cook, [~g~G~w~] to remove',
['campfire2'] = 'Press [~g~E~w~] to cook',
['cooking'] = 'Cooking meat',
['placing_campfire'] = 'Placing campfire...',
['cant_place_camp'] = "You can't place your campfire here",
['cant_place_bait'] = "You can't place your bait here",
['placing_bait'] = 'Placing bait...',
['between_bait'] = 'You need to wait before use it again',
['no_effects_bait'] = 'Your bait had any effects',
['sell_items'] = 'Press [~g~E~w~] to sell',
['sold'] = 'Successfully sold',
['no_material'] = "You don't have enough material",
['you_didnt_kill_it'] = "You didn't kill the animal"
Config.FontType = 4
-- === DISPLAY TEXT ===
-- === Only change if you know what you're doing! ===
AddEventHandler('qb_complete_hunting:notify', function(msg, msgType)
if not msgType then
QBCore.Functions.Notify(msg, "inform", 5000)
QBCore.Functions.Notify(msg, msgType, 5000)
Config.Progressbar = function(cb, text, time, anim_type, anim_dict, anim_lib)
if anim_type ~= nil then
local ped = PlayerPedId()
if anim_type == "anim" then
while not HasAnimDictLoaded(anim_dict) do
TaskPlayAnim(ped, anim_dict, anim_lib, -1, -1, -1, 1)
elseif anim_type == "Scenario" then
TaskStartScenarioInPlace(ped, anim_dict, 0, true)
QBCore.Functions.Progressbar('Progress', text, time, false, false, {
disableMovement = true,
disableCarMovement = true,
disableMouse = false,
disableCombat = true
}, {}, {}, {}, function()
end, function()
function InitializeTarget()
local targetModels = {}
for _,v in ipairs(Config.Animals) do
table.insert(targetModels, v.model)
exports['qb-target']:AddTargetModel(targetModels, {
options = {
num = 1,
type = "client",
event = "qb_complete_hunting:harvestAnimal",
icon = "fas fa-cut",
label = "Harvest",
num = 2,
type = "client",
event = "qb_complete_hunting:carryAnimal",
icon = "fas fa-people-carry",
label = "Carry",
distance = 2.5
local campProp = {
if Config.EnableCampfire then
exports['qb-target']:AddTargetModel(campProp, {
options = {
num = 1,
type = "client",
event = "qb_complete_hunting:cookMenu",
icon = "fas fa-hamburger",
label = "Cook meat",
distance = 3.0
local illegalSeller = {
exports['qb-target']:AddTargetModel(illegalSeller, {
options = {
num = 1,
type = "client",
event = "qb_complete_hunting:qbTargetIllegalSell",
icon = "fas fa-store",
label = "Sell",
distance = 3.0
local legalSeller = {
exports['qb-target']:AddTargetModel(legalSeller, {
options = {
num = 1,
type = "client",
event = "qb_complete_hunting:qbTargetLegalSell",
icon = "fas fa-store",
label = "Sell",
distance = 3.0
--[[ local targetModels = {}
for _,v in ipairs(Config.Animals) do
table.insert(targetModels, v.model)
exports.ox_target:addModel(targetModels, {
name = 'ox:option1',
event = "qb_complete_hunting:harvestAnimal",
icon = "fa-solid fa-cut",
label = "Harvest",
canInteract = function(entity, distance, coords, name, bone)
if IsEntityDead(entity) then
return true
return false
name = 'ox:option2',
event = "qb_complete_hunting:carryAnimal",
icon = "fa-solid fa-people-carry",
label = "Carry",
canInteract = function(entity, distance, coords, name, bone)
if IsEntityDead(entity) then
return true
return false
local campProp = {
if Config.EnableCampfire then
exports.ox_target:addModel(campProp, {
name = 'ox:option1',
event = "qb_complete_hunting:cookMenu",
icon = "fa-solid fa-hamburger",
label = "Cook meat",
local illegalSeller = {
exports.ox_target:addModel(illegalSeller, {
name = 'ox:option1',
event = "qb_complete_hunting:qbTargetIllegalSell",
icon = "fa-solid fa-store",
label = "Sell",
local legalSeller = {
exports.ox_target:addModel(legalSeller, {
name = 'ox:option1',
event = "qb_complete_hunting:qbTargetLegalSell",
icon = "fa-solid fa-store",
label = "Sell",
}) ]]
Last updated
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