Check out the default ESX and QBCore config file.
Config = {}
-- === VERSION 2.1 ===
Config.Debug = false
-- === IMPORTANT ===
-- make sure to add the export in gcphone as shown in
-- === GENERAL ===
Config.OpenUICommand = 'carplay' -- Console command to open the NUI
Config.OpenUIKey = 'k'
Config.OpenTrunkCameraCommand = 'trunk-camera' -- Console command to open the NUI
Config.OpenTrunkCameraKey = 'f7' -- Open or close
Config.Km = true -- if false mph
Config.UseAcePermission = false -- in server.cfg add: add_ace identifier.steam:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX command.carplay allow
Config.Apps = {
['messages'] = true,
['music'] = true,
['actions'] = true,
['trunk'] = true,
['status'] = true
} -- set to FALSE if you want to disable the app
Config.Draggable = true -- if TRUE you will be able to drag and resize the UI
Config.RemoveFocusKey = 16 -- [16 = SHIFT] with the UI open, pressing this button the UI will remain on screen but you will be able to use mouse and keyboard (drive)
-- that's a javascript key, use this to change
Config.ReturnFocusCommand = "carplay-focus"
Config.ReturnFocusKey = "H"
-- === PHONE ===
Config.NeedPhoneItem = true -- true if you need a phone in inventory to use carplay
Config.PhoneItemName = {
} -- item name of the phones
Config.PhoneType = 'gcphone'
-- now supported: gcphone | gksphone | dphone | highphone | quasar | chezza | npwd | roadphone | lbphone
-- === NAVIGATOR ===
Config.EnableNavigator = true
Config.NavigatorPosition = 'top-left' -- COPY-PASE ONE OF THIS: top-left | top-middle | top-right | middle-left | middle-middle | middle-right | bottom-left | bottom-middle | bottom-right
Config.DisplayCurrentStreet = true -- if to show or not the first rectangle with the current street
Config.NoInstall = false -- all vehicles will be able to use carplay also without installing it
Config.RequireMechanic = true
Config.MechanicJobName = {
Config.ItemUsable = true
Config.CarplayInstallCommand = 'carplay-install'
Config.InstallTime = 10000 -- milliseconds
-- === MUSIC ===
Config.BlackListSongs = {
-- === TEXT ===
Config.Text = {
['no_phone'] = "You don't have a phone",
['no_carplay'] = "Carplay is not installed in this vehicle",
['not_owner'] = 'You are not the owner of this vehicle',
['carplay_installed'] = "Installing carplay",
['no_item'] = "You don't have the item"
-- === DISPLAY TEXT ===
-- === Only change if you know what you're doing! ===
function DisplayTextMessage(msg, type)
if type then
ESX.ShowNotification(msg, type, 3000)
Config = {}
-- === VERSION 2.1 ===
Config.Debug = false
-- === IMPORTANT ===
-- add this item
-- ['carplay'] = {['name'] = 'carplay', ['label'] = 'Carplay', ['weight'] = 1000, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'carplay.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = true, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = 'Device to controll your vehicle'}
-- remember to add the export in qb-phone as told in the
-- === GENERAL ===
Config.QBCoreName = 'qb-core' -- if you have renamed the qb-core folder change this
Config.OpenUICommand = 'carplay' -- Console command to open the NUI
Config.OpenUIKey = 'k'
Config.OpenTrunkCameraCommand = 'trunk-camera' -- Console command to open the trunk camera
Config.OpenTrunkCameraKey = 'f7' -- Open or close
Config.Km = true -- if false mph
Config.Apps = {
['messages'] = true,
['music'] = true,
['actions'] = true,
['trunk'] = true,
['status'] = true
} -- set to FALSE if you want to disable the app
Config.Draggable = true -- if TRUE you will be able to drag and resize the UI
Config.RemoveFocusKey = 16 -- [16 = SHIFT] with the UI open, pressing this button the UI will remain on screen but you will be able to use mouse and keyboard (drive)
-- that's a javascript key, use this to change
Config.ReturnFocusCommand = "carplay-focus"
Config.ReturnFocusKey = "H"
-- === PHONE ===
Config.NeedPhoneItem = true -- true if you need a phone in inventory to use carplay
Config.PhoneItemName = {
} -- item name of the phone
Config.PhoneType = 'qbphone'
-- now supported: qbphone | gksphone | highphone | quasar | npwd | roadphone | lbphone
-- === NAVIGATOR ===
Config.EnableNavigator = true
Config.NavigatorPosition = 'top-left' -- COPY-PASE ONE OF THIS: top-left | top-middle | top-right | middle-left | middle-middle | middle-right | bottom-left | bottom-middle | bottom-right
Config.DisplayCurrentStreet = true
Config.NoInstall = false -- all vehicles will be able to use carplay also without installing it
Config.RequireMechanic = true
Config.MechanicJobName = {
Config.ItemUsable = true
Config.MechanicInstallCommand = 'carplay-install'
Config.InstallTime = 10000 -- milliseconds
-- === MUSIC ===
Config.BlackListSongs = {
-- === TEXT ===
Config.Text = {
['no_phone'] = "You don't have a phone",
['no_carplay'] = "Carplay is not installed in this vehicle",
['not_owner'] = 'You are not the owner of this vehicle',
['carplay_installed'] = "Installing carplay",
['no_item'] = "You don't have the item"
Last updated